Yuko Shimazu Yuko Shimazu Yuko Shimizu

Award winning Japanese illustrator based in New York City and instructor at School of Visual Arts.

Two Books Soon To Be Out From Gestalten

Illusive 3 Cover
Hair Em, Scare Em
Awesome German art book publisher and the nicest editing team of Gestaltenjust announced the release of new books for fall, and I am thrilled to be in two of them.The first one is ILLUSIVE 3, which will be published at the end of the month in Continental Europe, and everywhere else in September.

The first two volumes of ILLUSIVE were best-sellers, so some of you may know about this awesome collection of contemporary illustration. My works as well as my best friend Marcos Chin‘s are in both ILLUSIVE 2 and ILLUSIVE 3.

I have not seen the book yet, but I am supposed to have an interview section in this latest book. I am extra excited. Thank you so much Henni!

The second one is Hair’ em Scare’ em due later in Fall.

This one is a good example of Gestalten-speciality-style books I love: photo, fine art, design, illustration, anything visual all in one book without any distinction under one theme. Obviously, this time, the theme is “hair”.

The website preview shows a spread of my Bjork portrait right next to a photo of Bjork with artist Shoplifter‘s actual hair sculpture.

I have to say, this is my dream come true. I have been a long time Bjork fan, as well as an admirer of Shoplifter’s amazing works. By the way, Shoplifter is a really good friend of my best friend Agata Nowicka and I have met her once. Super nice person. Another friend Ai Tatebayashi is also featured in this book.

Big thank you to Matthias and Elizabeth for including me in the book.