Hello Poland 🙂 Cutting edge life-style/fashion magazine “Exklusiv” February issue is out now with portfolio of my work and interview article, along with my illustration on the cover.(Especially as a former Greenpoint = Poland-of-NY resident) I am happy to have my work introduced in Poland! It was made possible through help from Agata Nowicka of Exklusiv Magazine, who is also an illustrator herself. Thank you so much Agata!Haven’t had chance to up-date my recent illustrations page… which I will very soon.In the meantime, some of the new illustrations out now /coming up are: “Money” “Honolulu Magazine” “Plan Sponsor” all February issues, “Financial Times Magazine” (UK) 1/22 and 1/29 issues, “New York Walker” out on January 27.
January 27, 2005