Yuko Shimazu Yuko Shimazu Yuko Shimizu

Award winning Japanese illustrator based in New York City and instructor at School of Visual Arts.


I haven’t updated illustration section in a while, I know. It is not that I haven’t been working, it is just that a lot of the jobs I have been doing recently are not ready to be shown due to the contracts with my clients. So, plese stay tuned…I posted series of mural images to my top page. They were actually created about two years ago. The library where the mural is supposed to go up is still under construction.

Some jobs just takes a long time to mature like that. I will make a page with all the mural panels very soon.

3x3 Magazine: Annual Cover
Walrus Cover
Walrus Cover 2
MTV Calendar
In the meantime, check out this cute young ILLUSTRATiON ANNUAL 3×3. I am loving this unpretentious annual filled with fresh talent, and so are my students at SVA.I was honored to receive Gold Award and Silver Award this year. Big thank you to the judges and my art directors, Antonio De Luca of The Walrus Magazine and Chie Araki of MTV!