SVA Gramercy Gallery, School of Visual Arts: 209 E. 23rd St, New York, NY `10010 (between 2nd and 3rd Avenues) -
February 10 – 27, 2016 -
9 female alumni of School of Visual Arts’ MFA Illustration as Visual Essay program show our recently published books alongside an art from each book.
Featured artists and books are are:
Lisel Ashlock: Do Unto Animals by Tracey Stewart
Joanna Avillez: Not That Kind of Girl by Lena Dunham
Natalya Balnova: Holy Cow by David Duchovny
Anna Raff: A Big Surprise for Little Card by Charise Mericle Harper
Lauren Redniss: Thunder & Lightning, Weather Past, Present and Future
Cecilia Ruiz: The Book of Memory Gaps by Cecilia Ruiz
Dasha Tolstikova: A Year Without Mom
Sara Varon: Sweaterweatherand I will be showing A Wild Swan my recent collaboration with author Michael Cunningham
More Details Here