Esterhazygasse 11, 1060 Vienna, Austria -
opening reception: Friday, November 13, 2015, 5:00PM -
The Shin-hanga („new prints“) movement from early 20th century Japan constitutes one of the main roots of today´s Manga and has had a tremendous impact on modern illustration art.
Just as the classic Ukiyo-e woodblock prints of the 18th and 19th centuries influenced European artists, and led to impressionism and art nouveau in Europe (as well as to Jugendstil in Vienna), Shin-hanga was strongly influenced by Western elements such as the effects of light and the expression of individual moods, but focused on strictly traditional Japanese themes.
In this exhibition, some of the most important works from the Shin-hanga movement will be displayed in Austria for the first time. The collection will give a vivid impression on how Shin-hanga has influenced the aesthetics and visual concepts of contemporary artists.
Completed with artworks by award-winning illustrator Yuko Shimizu, known for her stunningly powerful and perfectly crafted drawings, the exhibition will take you on a journey through time, showing the development from a traditional art form to the best of contemporary illustration.
More Details Here