Exhibition / Group Show
starting October 16, 2020
Norman Rockwell Museum 9 Route 183 Stockbridge, MA 01262
413-298-4100 x 221
starting October 16, 2020
The Unity Project is an initiative taken by Norman Rockwell Museum to inspire Americans to vote in the 2020 presidential election.
The museum has commissioned six working illustrators to each create a poster to encourage citizens to go vote.
All the posters are exhibited at the museum as a part of Imagine Freedom exhibit.
More Details Here
Charity Event / Exhibition / Group Show / party
November 7, 2015 – January 5, 2016

Norman Rockwell Museum: 9 Route 183, Stockbridge, MA 01262
opening reception: Saturday November 7, 2015 from 6:00 – 8:00PM
This special exhibition honors the sacrifices of veterans, calling attention to the struggles that many face upon their re-entry into civilian life.
“Who stands ready to take care of those men and women upon their return when they are all too often disabled, disillusioned, or disheartened?” pondered exhibition organizer Ella Rue, mother of a veteran, and Director of Marketing for Academic Programs and Events at New Jersey City University. “They leave and time has a way of standing still. Loved ones expect the same person to return, the same happy-go-lucky, gregarious person that went off to war so many months before.”
Reproductions of the artworks on view, in print and playing card form, have been sold to benefit veterans by helping them to further their education and assist with medical, dental or mental health resources. This fund has been supported by many world-renowned artists and illustrators who each created and donated an original editorial visual statement illuminating their thoughts on war and the service of veterans.
More Details Here