Asian theme
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SKETCHTRAVEL exhibition poster

poster and flyer image for Sketchtravel exhibition in Kyoto International Manga Museum in Japan.
What started as a fun project of passing around a sketchbook among artists around the world in 2006, organized by Dice Tsutsumi and Gerald Guelais, turned out to be something a lot bigger scale by the time last page was filled in 2011, resulting in publishing of the book in multiple language editions and becoming a bestseller in France and Japan, traveling exhibitions, and most importantly, auctioning off the original book to fund Room To Read to build libraries in five countries so far.

see the creative process of this image and read more about Sketchtravel on my blog

AD: Dice Tsutsumi

awards and recognitions: Gold Medal in advertising category at Society of Illustrators annual competition 56 (2014), Communication Arts Illustration Annual 55 (2014)

(original drawing is: sold)